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9-21-11 Hockanum River Commission Minutes


September 21, 2011

PRESENT: Paula Saaf, Chair, DavidCannell, Christine Durrer, Anthony Hollister, Bruce Jokubaitis,

Absent:-Peter Klock and James Reik

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting started at 6:08 p.m.

OPPORTUNITY FOR RESIDENTS TO SPEAK: Former commission member Ken Sek spoke in regard to volunteer work done for Tire Removal Project He along with Stacy Smith and a crew of volunteers were able to go out and collect about 25 tires from the Hockanum River. They worked with Roger Moss to have them hauled away. Ken felt there were probably over 100 tires that could still be pulled from various area along the Hockanum River and was looking for volunteers who may want to lend a helping hand. Ken also felt it would be worth checking with some past volunteers from Pratt & Whitney to see if they would like to partner on this project.

•       December 9, 2010 minutes -  Motion by Bruce, seconded by Christine to approve December 9, 2010 minutes.
•       March 16, 2011 minutes -  Motion by Bruce, seconded by Dave to approve March 16, 2011 minutes.


•       Source to Sea will be held on Saturday, October l, 20ll. Paula will head up a group to go out from Town Hall at 9 a.m. Ken Sek will be heading a group which will go out from Labor Field at 10 a.m. Wayne Dugden will have a group working from the Great River Park area. Ken Sek was also waiting for a call from a Ms. Green with the Boy Scouts to see about the possibility of Scouts who wanted to come out and help with the clean up. Paula and Ken plan to call Acting Public Works Director Tim Bockus' assistant Mary Orzolek to see if they can meet with Tim on Source to Sea plans for garbage pick-up.

•       Spring Duck Race-Tabled to December Meeting due to Peter Klock not being present to speak on the subject.

•       2012 Calendar with Pictures of the Hockanum River. Christine Durrer volunteered to work on the calendar. Commission members will forward her pictures they have and she will be puttingtogether12 or so pictures of the River to give to Paula. Paula will then get them to the other members for approval to move forward on the calendar. Christine plans to look at as a possible source to have calendars printed.

IN ADDITION: December's Meeting has been changed from December 14 to December 7th.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Christine, seconded by Tony. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.